A comment that a Family Lawyer hears on a regular basis is “they are telling lies about me” or “that’s not what happened” or “it’s worth a lot more than what he says it is”.
In the early stages of a matter, it can be difficult to know what is true and what is not. Often it can be the case, as well that an area of dispute will have little bearing upon the outcome of a matter.
It’s the job of a family lawyer to consider what is relevant and what is not. If a matter is relevant and in dispute, it is the job of a family lawyer to consider what evidence might be available to resolve the dispute or support your case. Are there documents which can provide evidence of a matter? Should a subpoena be issued to obtain documents? What independent valuations should be obtained? Would a Family Report assist in resolving the matter?
A good family lawyer will always be about helping you resolve your dispute and not just assist you in ‘scoring points’. The manner in which your family lawyer approaches your matter can impact significantly upon the time it takes to resolve your matter and the legal costs you end up paying. Choosing your family lawyer may be the most important decision you make in resolving your dispute.